Monday, March 28, 2011

Watch out for Immappancy!

The True Size of Africa” by Kai Krause
Accessed March 14, 2011

Topic: Wow, Africa is HUGE!

Summary: The image shows 18 countries from around the world rotated to fit (loosely) within the confines of the continent of Africa. The commentary with the image gives some data that shows that school-kids and college students from around the world have a distorted view of world geography and demographics.

Intended audience: Anyone and Everyone

Key Points:

  • The USA, China, India, Japan, and all of Europe fit within Africa!
  • There should be a concept such as “immappancy” (like illiteracy) meaning insufficient geographical knowledge.

Relevance: This goes along nicely with the idea of all students coming into our classrooms with previous knowledge and misconceptions. The map of Africa with all the other countries manipulated to fit within it was very striking for me. I knew that Africa was large, but if someone would have told me that all those countries would fit inside its borders, I don’t know if I would have believed it! I also really liked that the image came from the "creative commons" and is has no copyright. The creator wants everyone to be able to access and share the information- way cool!


  1. Wow. Great post. I'm really pretty speechless.

  2. I was pretty speechless when I saw this as well. My first thought was, "Oh my god, this HAS to go on the blog!" I'm glad you had a similar reaction :)

  3. I too am speechless! I knew Africa was big, but not that big - wow! And it is a continent filled with so much beauty and wonder and the western world views it just as a land to be used and conquered for its resources. It is so much more than that!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Yeah, amazingly huge landmass with rich resources. It's too bad that the people can't come together in a more productive way because there is so much potential there.
