Friday, April 8, 2011

Vouchers Vouchers, everywhere

Valerie Strauss
"Vouchers Vouchers, everywhere"
Washington Post
April 4, 2011 Ideas for improving education

This is an article discussing vouchers in light of the recent supreme court ruling in support of a voucher program. The article goes on but I just don’t see why parents should not be able to pull their kid from school, and shift the money that would have normally been spent to a private school.
The downside I can see is administrators and unions who lose out on their cut of the money but as far as the kids go, I only see benefit.
Key Points: One argument is that many of these private schools are “religious”. My reply is twofold. First, so what, that’s the parent’s and kids choice. Secondly, I view atheism as just as much of a religion as anything else and is often pushed with religious fervor in the public schools. Some kids and parents don’t believe in that so they want an alternative.

Relevance: The emergence of vouchers as an option is one that will definitely be at the top of debate because the implications are the undermining of union and government control. The upside is choice for parents and kids. As for teachers, they will be needed in either case but will most likely be used as pawns in the debate.

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