Monday, April 18, 2011

Kiss your job goodbye, teachers!

"Teacher Layoffs- a destructive annual event," by Dave Eggers
March, 22, 2011 in the San Francisco Chronicle

Sorry to be the bearer of more bad news, but this article sadly reports that last month 2,800 public school teachers in the Bay area were told they might not have jobs in the Fall. The principal at James Lick Middle School was very happy with the teachers at the school until pink slips arrived on March 15 and 14 of the school's best young teachers were told they might not have a job next year. Morale went through the floor as the teachers had to start looking for potential job opportunities elsewhere.

As usual, the low-paid, over-worked teachers are bearing the brunt of education cuts, as 80% on average of education moneys are devoted to payroll of workers/health benfits, retirement, etc. Sadly, 46% of teachers quit the profession before five years elapse and with the current trend in teacher bashing it shouldn't come as surprise. Low pay, no job security, hard work. Sounds great, where do we sign up? The not-so-hidden side effects also include instability in the clasroom and lack of continuity in curriculum and teaching.

I guess we're just not good people. Unfortunately, this story is all too relevant to our class. God bless all those teachers who might get laid off, but I hope they don't head up this way.


  1. What if teachers are going for a strike for being laied off? I had been hearing so many bad news to teachers. It should stop...too much negtive news.

  2. Yikes! I have been trying to stay positive but this article is a bit of a downer.

    I am choosing to think this too will pass. That as a country we care about education and therefore this attitude can't last. I believe there is too much passion, too many smart minds working on it, there has to be a workable reform option. One that includes respecting teachers and treating them like professionals.

    I just can't see this trend lasting much longer. Maybe that's what keeps me going:)

  3. I hope you're right JK. I think it will pass, but it seems all of us will inevitably be drawn into this fight to defend our reputations and jobs.
