Saturday, May 7, 2011

Oregon lawmakers: "More Oregon history ed!"

"As Oregon lawmakers consider adding more state history in schools, teachers raise concerns" by Kimberly Melton
The Oregonian
published May 6, 2011
accessed May 7, 2011

Summary/Key Points: Senator Joanne Verger has introduced a bill that would require middle school students to receive a full year of Oregon history education in addition to the current Oregon ed-lite that ECE students receive sporadically. Teachers are concerned that a new mandate would put undue pressure on increased textbook adoptions, additional coverage in an already crowded year, etc.

Intended Audience: everyone

Relevance: It is refreshing to see that there are policy makers who are recommending adding more courses, rather than simply stripping them away! Doubly so because this seems like such a practical, obvious thing to do-- how could more local history possibly not benefit students?! I can see it helping teachers, too, with the natural engagement that tends to come along with personal connections. It doesn't get much more personal than the place in which one lives.

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